Where Is the Power Button on Samsung TV (Pictures Included:)

Have you ever noticed that Samsung always tries to explore the Power button position in their TVs?

Whenever you don’t get the remote at place or power button is not working in the remote, you want to turn on the Samsung TV with its power button. In such case, finding the exact location of the power button on TV can be a bit tricky for you.

Where Is the Power Button on Samsung TV?

Where Is the Power Button on Samsung TV

The power button on the most Samsung TVs can be found: at the front right, underside of the TV Or At Back of the TV on the right side. Or At middle, underside of the TV Or at front left/right bezel of the TV

Each Samsung TV comes with a manual power button on it. It just takes few efforts to find it.

1# Front right, underside

If the power button is in Front right, underside position, then start touching from the same position (front right, underside) of your Samsung TV and you should get the feel of receiver first.

Just behind the receiver, there is small power button. User can easily miss it. Simply press around here until you conveniently turn on and off your TV.

Front right, underside

2# Back, right side

If you can’t see the power button on front side of your Samsung TV, try to find it at back, right side of the TV.

It’s going to be damn hard to find it as a common TV user. I would suggest moving slightly tv away from the wall and take a look at back of the tv on the right side. You should spot a small power button there.

If you don’t find it easily, suggesting you to flash a light on the back side. IF there is nothing on the back right side, then check at the back left side of the TV.

Back, right side

3# Middle, underside

If you are standing one or two feet far facing the front panel of the TV, you can see the power button on Samsung TV right at the middle, underside of the TV.

Just touch your hand underneath and feel around to locate the power button on Samsung TV.

Middle, underside

 4# Front left or right bezel (touch control)

Lots of Samsung TV variants have touch control buttons for power, volume up and down, channel control, etc.

These touch control buttons can often be found at the front right bezel of the TV. You have to just look closely for it. You will find them for sure.

To turn on the TV, simply tap over the button where you see the power button label. To turn Samsung TV off, press the same power button again.

Front left or right bezel

Some of the old Samsung TVs have this touch button at the front left bezel. Make sure you check there too.

It might take one second to TV to react once you touch power button. So wait for a little bit.

Samsung TV Manuals (Solution for all models and years made)

If you are still facing problem in finding the exact location of power button in your Samsung TV, then try to take help of the user manual. Samsung provides user manual which also contains the visual guides for users’ help.

Get one user manual as per your exact model number and year. A user can get the exact model number from the back side of the TV.

Samsung support have a huge database of all the TV manuals documented and sorted by the year here.

You will most likely to find all the information in that manual regarding each button on your TV with the help of a clear diagram.


Now you can also sense that Samsung has tendency to change the power button location in TVs nearly every year.  

If you are facing issue in finding the power button on your Samsung TV, then just don’t give up. With small efforts you can find it easily.

To ease this hectic process, look at following spots for power button in your TV.

  1. Middle, underside
  2. Front right, underside
  3. Front right or left bezel (touch control)
  4. Back, right side

If still you are facing problem in spotting the power button in your TV, navigate through the online user manual for Samsung TV. It will guide you through all the buttons and their locations on TV via a diagram.

Do let us know if you find the power button in your Samsung TV after following this detailed guide. Also share where is it located in your Samsung TV.

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