Pavy Universal Remote Codes & Program Instructions

Pavy Universal Remote Codes & Program Instructions

Welcome to our guide on Pavy Universal Remote codes and program instructions. If you’ve recently purchased a Pavy Universal Remote or are looking to program your existing remote to work with your television or other devices, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the Pavy Universal Remote, including its features, compatibility, and instructions on how to program it to work with your devices.

The Pavy Universal Remote is a versatile and easy-to-use remote control that allows you to seamlessly control multiple devices with just one device. With its simple and intuitive design, the Pavy Universal Remote is perfect for both experienced users and those new to universal remotes.

One of the standout features of the Pavy Universal Remote is its compatibility. This remote is compatible with almost all major brands and models of televisions, cable and satellite boxes, streaming devices, and more. This means that you can use the Pavy Universal Remote to control all of your devices, no matter the brand or model, with just one convenient device.

In addition to its compatibility, the Pavy Universal Remote is also easy to program. We will provide step-by-step instructions on how to program your Pavy Universal Remote to work with your devices, so you can start enjoying the convenience of controlling all of your devices with just one remote.

Pavy Universal Remote Codes for LG TV

  • 619
  • 700
  • 910

Pavy Universal Remote Codes List

Admiral500, 501, 610, 614, 615,902
Advent911, 932, 933
AOC103, 601, 617
Apex000, 604, 618
Audiovox100, 101, 900, 901
Bell&Howell611, 620
Broksonic614, 902
Candle601, 619
Citizen601, 619, 900, 903
Contec103, 901
Crosley301, 303
Curtis Mathes100, 102, 301, 400, 401, 402, 405, 500, 603, 606, 611, 619, 620, 621, 903
Daewoo100, 101, 617, 900
Dumont617, 700
Durabrand201, 614, 615, 914, 918
Electroband103, 605
Emerson101, 103, 200, 201, 620, 901, 902
ESA201, 601, 901, 903
Fisher620, 801
Fujitsu300, 615
Funai201, 615, 901
GE100, 200, 202, 400, 401, 402, 405, 607, 608, 802
Gibralter601, 617, 700
Goldstar601, 607, 617, 619
Grundy615, 901
Haier914, 918
Hitachi005, 606, 611, 916, 619
ILO921, 925
Insignia201, 301, 303, 614, 909, 919, 920, 934
JBL000, 301, 604, 618
JC Penny202, 400, 402, 405, 601, 607, 608, 609, 617, 800, 903
Kenwood601, 617
KTV103, 601, 901
Konka001, 002, 003, 304, 904
LG619, 700, 910
LXI301, 400, 402, 607, 609, 620
Magnavox301, 302, 303, 601, 615, 617, 803, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909
Marantz301, 601
Megatron606, 607
Memorex004, 104, 607, 611, 614, 615, 620
MGA104, 500, 601, 607, 617
Mitsubishi104, 500, 601, 607, 617
Motorola500, 802
MTC103, 601, 617, 619, 903
NAD603, 607, 609
NEC601, 617, 619
Nikko601, 607, 900
Optimus004, 603, 620
Optonica500, 610
Orion614, 615, 902
Panasonic004, 202, 610, 802
Philips301, 601, 617, 803, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909
Philco301, 601, 606, 614, 617
Pilot601, 617
Pioneer600, 603
Polaroid400, 910, 913, 915, 917, 920
Portland617, 900
Proscan400, 402
Proton102, 607
Pulsar617, 700
Quasar004, 202, 610, 802
RadioShack400, 402, 607, 610, 617, 619, 620, 621, 901
Roomconx614, 615, 902, 924
Runco601, 616, 700
Samsung601, 607, 617, 619, 903, 930
Sansui614, 615, 902
Sanyo620, 801, 931
Scott607, 615, 617, 901, 902
Sears201, 301, 400, 402, 607, 609, 615, 620, 622, 801
Sharp500, 501, 610, 929
Sharp (LCD)500, 501, 610, 929
Soundesign607, 615, 901
SSS617, 901
Sylvaina201, 301, 601, 901
Symphonic201, 901
Technics004, 202
Techwood202, 619
Teknika104, 301, 605, 611, 615, 617, 619, 900, 901
TMK602, 607, 619
Toshiba609, 613, 620, 903
Vidtech607, 617
Wards301, 601, 607, 608, 610, 611, 615, 617, 619
Westinghouse926, 928
White Westinghouse101, 605, 614
Yamaha601, 617
Zenith611, 614, 619, 700, 900

How to Program Pavy Blu-Ray Universal Remote Without Codes

To program your universal remote using the auto search method, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the device you want to control with the remote (e.g., TV, DVD player, cable box).
  2. Press and hold the device button (TV, DVD, CBL and OK/SEL) on the remote for 3 seconds, until the LED light turns on. This indicates that the remote is ready to be programmed.
  3. Point the remote at the device and press the “CH+” and “CH-” buttons. The remote should send out on/off signals.
  4. Press the “up” or “down” button repeatedly until the device turns off.
  5. Press the “power” button to verify that the code is correct. The device should turn on. If it does, try changing the channel to make sure the remote is programmed correctly.
  6. Press the Device button again to save the code. The LED light on the device should blink twice to confirm that the code has been stored.

How to Program Pavy Blu-Ray Universal Remote With Manual Method

To program a universal remote using a keycode, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the device you want to control (e.g., TV, DVD player, cable box).
  2. Press the “TV” button on your Dish Network universal remote.
  3. Press and hold the “Setup” button on the remote until the light flashes. This indicates that the remote is in learning mode.
  4. Enter the keycode for your device, which you can find in the instructions booklet or programming guide.
  5. Point the remote at the device and press and hold the “Power” button.
  6. Release the “Power” button when the screen turns off.

Your device should now be programmed to work with the universal remote control. If it doesn’t work, try repeating the steps with a different code from the reference table. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

How to Program Pavy Blu-Ray Universal Remote With Code Search

To program your universal remote using the code search method, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the device you want to control (e.g., TV, DVD player, cable box).
  2. Press and hold the “Setup” button on the remote until the light flashes.
  3. Enter the code “9-9-1” using the number buttons on the remote.
  4. Press and hold the “Power” button on the remote, and then press the “Channel Up” button repeatedly until the device turns off.
  5. Release the “Power” button. Your remote should now be programmed and should work for all functions.

This method may take some time, but it is a reliable way to find the correct code for your device. Once you’ve found the correct code, you can use it to program your Pavy Blu-Ray universal remote and control your devices. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


the Pavy Universal Remote is a reliable and user-friendly device that allows users to easily control their home entertainment devices. The provided codes and program instructions make it simple to set up and customize the remote to meet your specific needs. With the Pavy Universal Remote, you can enjoy seamless control over your TV, cable box, and other devices without the hassle of multiple remotes.

The Pavy Universal remote control codes help you to program it and we have included different methods to program remote. If you need any other help regarding this article, please ask in the comment section below.

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