This article will provide the Onn Universal Remote Codes List that will help you program ONN universal remote with different brand TVs and other devices.
The difficulties of entering the right codes can be time consuming and if you have a lot of different devices, it might seem like an impossible task.
This Onn universal remote codes list is all you need in order to get your TV and other devices to work seamlessly with your Onn remote control.
Onn is a brand of Walmart Stores, Inc. that produces electronics, including a line of Universal Remotes. The Onn Universal Remote Control is a remote control that can be programmed to work with most major brands of televisions, DVD players, and cable/satellite boxes. It features a simple design and easy-to-use buttons, as well as a backlit keypad that makes it easy to see in the dark. The Onn Universal Remote Control is also compatible with Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant, making it even easier to control your TV with just your voice.
You will also need to know how to program universal remote control to the ONN TV. The ONN Universal remotes codes will help you in this process. For your help, we have also provided a guide for programming ONN remote control. You will find it after the code lists.
All-In-One Universal Remote Codes For ONN
- 5075
- 5028
- 5104
- 0514
- 5018
Onn 6 in 1 Universal Remote Codes List
Brand | Codes |
Abex | 5104 |
Accurian | 5126, 5196 |
Accuscan | 5027, 5129 |
Acme | 5043 |
Action | 5018, 5049, 5065, 5075 |
ADA | 5046 |
ADC | 5037, 5214 |
Admiral | 5027, 5028, 5060, 5065, 5074 |
Advantz | 5012 |
Advent | 5025, 5131, 5156, 5214 |
Adventura | 5232 |
Adventuri | 5179 |
Agna | 5214 |
Aiko | 5083 |
Aiwa | 5173, 5264, 5265 |
Akai | 5018, 5048, 5057, 5058, 5076, 5081 |
Alaron | 5043, 5074 |
Alba | 5001 |
Albatron | 5065 |
Alfide | 5057, 5058 |
Alleron | 5018, 5043, 5244 |
Amark | 5006, 5027, 5065 |
Ambassador | 5110, 5214 |
America Action | 5028 |
American High | 5081, 5179 |
Amstrad | 5091, 5110 |
Amtron | 5028, 5179 |
Anam | 5028 |
Anamnational | 5028, 5068, 5071, 5262 |
Aomni | 5204 |
Apex | 5116, 5130, 5142 |
Apple TV | 5053 |
Apex Digital | 5008, 5049, 5130 |
Archer | 5065 |
Aspect | 5094 |
Astar | 5198 |
Asuka | 5001 |
Audinac | 5028 |
Audio-Technica | 5075 |
Audiovox | 5028, 5065, 5074, 5075, 5083 |
AUVIO | 5077, 5105, 5162, 5196 |
Aventura | 5091 |
Axion | 5208, 5145 |
Basicline | 5001 |
Baycrest | 5009 |
Baysonic | 5028 |
Beaumark | 5018, 5074, 5075 |
Belcor | 5018, 5075 , 5095 |
Bell&Howell | 5074, 5084, 5090 |
BenQ | 5029, 5115, 5182 |
Bluesky | 5152, 5278 |
Bradford | 5028 |
Brockwood | 5018, 5075, 5095 |
Broksonic | 5011, 5028, 5060, 5065 |
Brokwood | 5095 |
BUSH | 5147 |
Candle | 5009, 5018, 5095, 5232 |
Capehart | 5018, 5065, 5075, 5083, 5289 |
Carnivale | 5018 |
Carver | 5043, 5090 |
CCE | 5190 |
Celea | 5201 |
Celebrity | 5048, 5179 |
Celera | 5201 |
Centrios | 5021 |
Centurion | 5095 |
Cetronic | 5071 |
Changhong | 5008, 5180, 5201 |
Cinego | 5121 |
Cineral | 5083, 5152 |
Citek | 5027, 5129 |
Citizen | 5006, 5009, 5012, 5018, 5028 |
Civet | 5049 |
Clairtone | 5049 |
Clarion | 5028 |
Classic | 5018, 5071, 5075 |
COBY | 5183, 5261, 5284 |
Color voice | 5043 |
Coloryme | 5018, 5027, 5043, 5075, 5081 |
Colt | 5075 |
Commercialsolutions | 5027, 5129 |
Concerto | 5095 |
Conic | 5075 |
Concierge | 5291 |
Contec | 5014, 5028, 5049, 5071 |
Cornea | 5075 |
Craig | 5012, 5028, 5071, 5074, 5091 |
Crosley | 5018, 5028, 5090, 5091 |
Crown | 5028, 5057, 5058 |
Crownmustang | 5057, 5058 |
CTX | 5065 |
CurtisMathes | 5018, 5027, 5028, 5050 |
CXC | 5028, 5071 |
Cybervision | 5152 |
Daewoo | 5006, 5019, 5020, 5040, 5043 |
Dayton | 5075, 5083 , 5095 |
Daytron | 5018, 5083, 5095 |
Dell | 5075, 5146, 5190 |
Denon | 5002, 5076 |
Denstar | 5028 |
Diamond Vision | 5035, 5167 |
Digimate | 5243 |
Digistar | 5025, 5123, 5124, 5130, 5219 |
Digital Lifestyles | 5051 |
Digital Stream | 5153 |
Dimensia | 5129 |
Disney | 5060, 5089 |
Dukane | 5094 |
Dumont | 5028, 5075, 5095, 5288, 5291 |
Durabrand | 5023, 5028, 5060, 5065 |
Dwin | 5084, 5129 |
Dynasty | 5071 |
Dynex | 5077 |
Eaton | 5081 |
Electroband | 5048, 5049, 5179 |
Electrograph | 5114 |
Electrohome | 5014, 5018, 5046, 5049 |
Elektra | 5288 |
Elite | 5001 |
Emerald | 5075, 5110 |
Emerson | 5011, 5012, 5027, 5028, 5040 |
Envision | 5018, 5075, 5095, 5127 , 5192 |
ESA | 5091, 5266 |
Fisher | 5014, 5087, 5090, 5179, 5247 |
Fortress | 5084 |
Fujitsu | 5009, 5074, 5135, 5244 |
Funai | 5028, 5071, 5074, 5091, 5117 |
Futuretec | 5028, 5071 |
Futuretech | 5028 |
Gateway | 5114, 5115, 5246 |
GE | 5004, 5007, 5012, 5018, 5027, 5033 |
Gemini | 5027, 5095, 5129 |
Gibralter | 5018, 5075, 5095, 5179 , 5291 |
Go Video | 5118 |
Go Vision | 5208 |
GoldStar | 5014, 5018, 5022, 5027, 5075 |
Goodmans | 5013 |
GPX | 5074 |
Gradiente | 5023, 5025, 5043 |
Grandtec | 5092 |
Granprix | 5074 |
Grundig | 5057, 5058, 5100 |
Grundy | 5028, 5074, 5244 |
Grunpy | 5028, 5074 |
Guestvision | 5267 |
Gvision | 5230 |
Haier | 5111, 5115, 5130, 5211, 5255 |
Hallmark | 5011, 5028, 5074, 5075, 5095 |
Hannspree | 5113 |
Harman/Kardon | 5090 |
Harvard | 5028 |
Hauppauge | 5207 |
Havermy | 5084 |
Helios | 5174 |
HewlettP-ackard | 5093 |
Hikone | 5001 |
Himitsu | 5028, 5131 |
Hisense | 5188, 5130, 5245 |
Hitachi | 5014, 5027, 5049, 5055 |
ILO | 5059, 5210, 5220, 5234, 5266 |
IMA | 5011, 5028, 5074, 5075 |
InFocus | 5129 |
Infinity | 5090 |
Initial | 5059, 5234 |
Insignia | 5025, 5060, 5066, 5070, 5077 |
Integra | 5043 |
Inteq | 5076, 5291 |
Janeil | 5232 |
JBL | 5090 |
JCPenney | 5007, 5009, 5014, 5033 |
JCB | 5048, 5179 |
Jensen | 5095, 5122, 5131, 5214 |
JIL | 5018, 5075 |
Jutan | 5018, 5075 |
JVC | 5014, 5018, 5055, 5090, 5099 |
Kamp | 5028, 5049, 5075 |
Kawasho | 5018, 5048, 5049 , 5075, 5095 |
Kaypani | 5289 |
KEC | 5028, 5081 |
KEC0041 | 5028 |
Kenwood | 5018, 5028, 5075 , 5095 |
KLH | 5008, 5028, 5201 |
Kloss | 5018, 5285 |
Kloss Novabeam | 5232, 5290 |
KMC | 5065 |
Kogi | 5230 |
Konka | 5001, 5028, 5047, 5066 |
Kurazai | 5288 |
Lark | 5247 |
Lasonic | 5167 |
Legend | 5025 |
LG | 5014, 5015, 5018, 5022, 5065, 5075 |
Liquidvideo | 5021, 5208 |
Lloyd’s | 5011, 5018, 5028 |
Lodgenet | 5129, 5268, 5288 |
Loewe | 5085, 5090, 5102 |
Logik | 5011, 5028, 5074, 5095, 5129, 5288 |
Luce | 5217 |
Luxman | 5095 |
Lxi | 5006, 5007, 5008, 5018, 5027, 5050 |
Macy | 5009, 5247 |
Magnasonic | 5008, 5018, 5065, 5074 |
Magnavox | 5006, 5009, 5012, 5018 |
Majestic | 5129, 5288 |
Marantz | 5018, 5043, 5086 , 5090, 5095 |
Matsui | 5095, 5110 |
Matsushita | 5056, 5079 |
Maxent | 5114, 5115, 5246 |
Medion | 5089, 5220 |
Megapower | 5065 |
Megatron | 5027, 5065, 5075, 5076 |
Mei | 5049 |
Memorex | 5018, 5028, 5060, 5074 |
MGA | 5014, 5018, 5046, 5055 |
MGN Technology | 5075 |
Microgenius | 5214 |
Midland | 5027, 5050, 5075, 5079 |
Mintek | 5059 |
Minutz | 5007 |
Mitsubishi | 5018, 5024, 5046, 5055 |
Monivision | 5039, 5065 |
Montgomery Ward | 5129, 5288 |
Moteva | 5247 |
Motorola | 5065, 5079, 5084, 5090, 5214 |
MTC | 5012, 5018, 5028 , 5049, 5075 |
Multitech | 5028, 5074 |
Multivision | 5036 |
Myron&Davis | 5174 |
Net TV | 5114, 5246 |
Newtech | 5095 |
Nexxtech | 5123, 5223 |
Nikei | 5071 |
Nikko | 5018, 5075, 5083 , 5095 |
Nikkodo | 5018, 5075, 5083 |
Niko | 5277 |
Nishi | 5018 |
Norcent | 5130, 5248, 5249 |
NTC | 5083 |
Nyon | 5179 |
Olevia | 5095, 5260, 5274, 5276 |
Oncommand | 5267 |
Onking | 5071 |
Onwa | 5028, 5071 |
Optimus | 5018, 5028, 5056, 5075 |
Optoma | 5113, 5221 |
Optonica | 5056, 5065, 5084, 5088 |
Orion | 5011, 5028, 5060, 5062, 5074 |
Pace | 5075, 5083 |
Palsonic | 5131 |
Panasonic National | 5008, 5011 |
Panda | 5100 |
Pausa | 5074 |
Paxonic | 5018, 5075, 5081 |
PCE | 5008, 5074, 5081 |
Penney | 5007, 5008, 5018, 5027, 5056 |
Philco | 5006, 5009, 5018, 5047, 5055 |
Philips | 5009, 5017, 5018, 5033, 5034 |
Philips Magnavox | 5090 |
Pilot | 5018, 5075, 5079, 5081 , 5095 |
Pioneer | 5032, 5043, 5095, 5104, 5172, 5224 |
PIVA | 5225 |
Planar | 5231 |
Polaroid | 5070, 5122, 5174, 5186 |
Portland | 5065, 5075, 5083 , 5095, 5214 |
Precision | 5011, 5012, 5028, 5049, 5110 |
Price Club | 5149 |
Prima | 5025, 5123, 5124, 5131, 5214, 5219 |
Princeton | 5065 |
Princeton Graphics | 5065 |
Prism | 5056, 5079 |
Proscan | 5027, 5050, 5064, 5119 |
Proton | 5030, 5065, 5075, 5095 |
Protron | 5243 |
Proview | 5095, 5186 |
Pulsar | 5075 , 5083, 5095, 5288, 5291 |
Pulser | 5075, 5083 |
Quartz | 5075, 5214 |
Quasar | 5056, 5079, 5088, 5090 |
Rabbit | 5027, 5129 |
RadioShack | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5028 |
RCA | 5004, 5007, 5019, 5027, 5046 |
Realistic | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5028 |
Replay TV | 5096 |
Rhapsody | 5049 |
Road Authority | 5012 |
Runco | 5018, 5038, 5043, 5081 |
Sampo | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5095 |
Samsung | 5014, 5018, 5027, 5031 |
Samsux | 5095, 5149 |
Samtron | 5149 |
Sanky | 5018, 5075, 5081 |
Sansui | 5018, 5060, 5075, 5081 |
Santeca | 5254 |
Sanyo | 5005, 5014, 5027, 5060, 5073 |
Sceptre | 5116, 5150 |
Scimitsu | 5075 |
Scotch | 5075 , 5095 |
Scott | 5011, 5018, 5028, 5062, 5067 |
Sears | 5006, 5007, 5008, 5014, 5018 |
Seimitsu | 5075 |
Selectron | 5130, 5194, 5195, 5217 |
Semp | 5189 |
Sharp | 5010, 5028, 5045, 5065, 5074 |
Shengchia | 5084 |
Shivaki | 5075 |
Shogun | 5075 , 5095 |
Siemens | 5076 |
Signature | 5018, 5027, 5074, 5084 |
Silver | 5075 |
Simpson | 5009, 5018, 5075 |
Singer | 5081, 5083 |
Skyworth | 5194, 5195 |
Solardrape | 5179 |
Sole | 5127 |
Sonic | 5049 |
Sony | 5048, 5117, 5150, 5179, 5197 |
Soundesign | 5009, 5028, 5071, 5074 |
Sova | 5229, 5281 |
Soyo | 5108, 5279, 5280 |
Spectra | 5167 |
Spectravision | 5008, 5009, 5074, 5075 |
Spectricon | 5065 |
Squareview | 091, 5266 |
SR1740 | 091, 5247 |
SSS | 028, 5071, 5075 , 5095 |
Standard Components | 5001 |
Star Sight | 5292 |
Starlite | 011, 5028, 5075 |
Sunbrite | 5276 |
Superscan | 084, 5140 |
Supersonic | 5228 |
Supra | 5095 |
Supremacy | 009, 5232 |
Supreme | 048, 5179 |
SV1740 | 5090 |
SV2000 | 5090 |
SVA | 5130, 5174 |
Sylvania | 5006, 5009, 5017, 5018, 5027 |
Symphonic | 5028, 5067, 5074, 5075 |
Syntax | 5095, 5260, 5274 |
Tandy | 5001, 5065, 5084, 5088 |
Tatung | 5065, 5079, 5115, 5179, 5220 |
Teac | 5012, 5087, 5100, 5247 |
Technics | 5056, 5079, 5090 |
Technisat | 5195 |
Technol Ace | 5074 |
Technovox | 5018 |
Techwood | 5056, 5065, 5079, 5081 , 5095 |
Teknika | 5009, 5014, 5028, 5060, 5071 |
Telefunken | 5095 |
Telerent | 5129, 5288 |
Teleton | 5009 |
Tera | 5095, 5166 |
Tevion | 5220 |
Thomas | 5027, 5075, 5095, 5117, 5129 |
Thomson | 5027, 5129 |
TMK | 5011, 5028, 5075, 5095, 5110 |
Tocom | 5008 |
Tomashi | 5012 |
Toshiba | 5008, 5014, 5043, 5055, 5056 |
Tosonic | 5049 |
Totevision | 5079 |
Toyomenka | 5075 |
Truetone | 5056, 5079 |
Trutech | 5222, 5283 |
TVS | 5060 |
Uher | 5075 |
Ultra | 5075, 5083 |
Universal | 5007, 5027, 5033, 5129 |
Universum | 5043, 5110 |
V | 5114, 5115, 5140, 5143 |
Venturer | 5098 |
Vidtech | 5075 , 5095, 5214 |
ViewSonic | 5114, 5139, 5140, 5143 |
Viking | 5232 |
Viore | 5082, 5159, 5206, 5218 |
Vivtor | 5251 |
Visio | 5114, 5115, 5140, 5143 |
Vizio | 5075, 5115, 5140, |
Vector Research | 5018 |
Victor | 5239 |
Vidikron | 5090 |
Vidtech | 5075 |
Viking | 5081 |
Wards | 5006, 5007, 5009, 5011, 5018 |
Waycon | 5008 |
Welton | 5075 |
Westinghouse | 5003, 5116, 5143, 5179 |
White-Westinghouse | 5011, 5019, 5060 |
World | 5011, 5028, 5060 |
XR | 0680 5028, 5074, 5091, 5247 |
Yamaha | 5018, 5075, 5095, 5132 , 5214 |
Yorx | 5018 |
Zenith | 5018, 5023, 5027, 5040, 5060 |
Zonda | 5065, 5131 |
All-In-One Onn Universal Remote Codes
- 5104
- 5018
- 0514
- 5028
- 5075
Onn TV Universal Codes For Xfinity
5104, 1404, 1523, 0514, 5075, 5018, 0684, 1283, 2033, 0514, 5028, 0174
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Element TV
247, 252, 121, 048, 238, 028, 043, 076, 096, 005, 151, 153, 046, 127, 154, 004, 168, 155, 231, 051, 236
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Vizio TV
5075, 5115, 5140
Onn Universal Remote Codes For LG TV
5014, 5015, 5018, 5022, 5065, 5075
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Insignia TV
5025, 5060, 5066, 5070, 5077
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Sharp TV
5010, 5028, 5045, 5065, 5074
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Sony TV
5048, 5117, 5150, 5179, 5197
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Philips TV
5009, 5017, 5018, 5033, 5034
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Panasonic TV
5008, 5011
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Sanyo
5005, 5014, 5027, 5060, 5073
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Emerson TV
5011, 5012, 5027, 5028, 5040
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Hisense TV
5188, 5130, 5245
Onn Universal Remote Codes For Westinghouse
5003, 5116, 5143, 5179
Above is the huge list of ONN Universal remote codes. I hope this list will help to program your device with the ONN universal remote. Next, we will learn the procedure to apple the codes with your favorite device.
How to Program Onn Universal Remote With Manual Method (with Codes)
In the below mentioned method, we will use the code to program your device with the ONN universal remote control.
- Turn on device.
- Hold down the Setup button on the remote control until a RED light appears.
- Press and release the “TV” button
- Next, enter the ONN remote codes.
- When the code is entered correctly, the RED light will go off.
- Now, point the remote at your device and try pressing all of its buttons. If you can see that it responds to each button press, then you have paired successfully!
If some of the keys on your ONN remote are not working properly, then you have to re-program remote with other code from the list.
This guide has provided you Onn universal remote codes and programming instructions.
We’ve compiled a list of ONN universal remote codes for all the major brands, so you can easily control them. We also provide step-by-step instructions for programming your Onn remote control.
So whether you’re looking to find the code for your TV or learn how to program your remote, this guide has everything you need.